Monday, 19 July 2010

Canals and more

I have a confession to make: I am a Yam Yam.
In other words i was born in The Black Country, the birthplace of the industrial revolution. Near Birmingham.

I left the area years ago but as time has past i have again grown fond of it. In terms of art and culture it's quite isolated and people from there often come up with incredibly inventive stuff that isn't influenced by the dictates of fashion in that thar London village.

I have just found some great work by a recently graduated photographer named 'Jak Flash' who is based in Brum.He may even be a Brummie! I hope he is.
I'm not entirely sure but i think that the work in question is from his graduation show.
It really is a great body of work and is now available in a book! A book! a Brummie!

Here are some random pics from it. Thanks to feuilleton for bringing it to my attention.
Jak's site

Buy Jak's Book