Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Tony Fitzpatrick

On my recent trip to Italy i happened upon an Art magazine in the hotel lobby. I really liked the artwork on the cover and last night i finally got around to investigating the artist further. The Artist in question is Tony Fitzpatrick

His work is mostly a mixed media of collage and drawing. Like Shepard Fairey he uses certain images time and again, this helps to tie all the work together i think and anyway i really love all his odd little symbols and icons.
He seems to be influenced by comic books, tattoos, album covers, folk art and a few other things i can't identify and his work reminds me of something that i can't quite put my finger on. Not another artist's work as such. It's  more like when you hear a song for the first time that somehow seems really familiar but you know for certain that it is the first time you have ever heard it.
I suppose what i am trying to say is that it struck a chord with me immediately. He are some samples of his work - each linking to his blog which is also worth checking out as the tales that relate to each work are quite something.
